Next Meeting
Wednesday February 12th
Doors open at 6:00
Dinner at 7:00 Meeting starts at 7:30
Tessa Code
USGS Western Fisheries Research Center
Tessa, a student at the University of Washington and a technician at the USGS Western Fisheries Research Center, studies the impact of artificial light at night on fish in Lake Washington. She is eager to share her research and engage with local anglers who have firsthand knowledge of Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, and the Cedar River.
Urban light pollution not only brightens the night sky but also penetrates beneath the water’s surface, creating elevated light levels that allow salmon predators to hunt throughout the night. As a result, juvenile salmon survival rates decline in urban waterways. Reducing artificial light at night can be one method to decrease mortality pressure on juvenile salmon.
It's going to be a good meeting!
I hope to see you there.
No August Meeting
2024 Coho Derby
Enter Here
Sunday September 8th
2024 Lake Washington Trout Derby June 15th
$1,000 in cash and lots of great prizes for adults as well as Kids. Lets make this our biggest derby ever!
Saturday June 15th, 2024
Win Cash and Prizes!
Weigh-in and Party on Lake Washington at Atlantic Street Boat Launch
Free picnic lunch and soda from noon to 2pm Entry Fee $25
Prizes (by weight)
1st prize $400
2nd prize $300
3rd prize $200
Mystery Weight $100
All kids MUST BE Registered, guaranteed prizes and
launch fee reimbursement* for kids 16 and under
Questions: Contact John Vraspir,
Kennydale Memorial Hall
Take Exit 6 on 405 and head east to
2424 NE 27th Street Renton
Upcoming Event
2024 Lake Washington Cutthroat Trout Derby
2022 Coho Derby
1st Place Ed Gardner (Paul Walser)
2nd place Autry Bishop
3rd Place Dexter Walser
Mystery Fish Erik Johannassen
Future Speakers
Raffle Most Meeting
Great Prizes by Bob & Jan De Felice!

Renton PSA Big Fish Contest
2024 Entry Instructions
- Send entries to Dan Sinnett one week prior to the March meeting
- Include Picture, weight and if possible measurements
Upcoming club outings
March 24th-25th PSA All Chapters Derby in Port Townsend - Brad Ridgeway
July 1st Crab Opener- Location TBD
July 15-19 Area 9 King Salmon Opener Port Townsend - Brad Ridgeway
Mid July Baker Lake Sockeye - State Park
Third Week of July-Sekiu Kings Olsens Resort - 360-963-2311 Van Ripers Resort- 360-963-2334
July Nootka Sound West coast Vancover Island- See Jim
August 22-23 Buoy 10 Ilwaco or Chinook, RV parks and Hotels nearby.
August 29th Salmon For Soldiers Everett Wa, Contact Jim Workman
Sept Willapa BayKings Suzie's RV next to the boat ramp 360- 267-7710 Bob Deflice
Sept Take a Kid Pink Fishing Armeni Launch West Seattle
September 9th Renton PSA Coho Derby Armeni Boat Launch Elliot Bay. Brad Ridgeway
Sept 16th Wild Sekiu Coho Olsens Resort - 360-963-2311 Van Ripers Resort- 360-963-2334
La Push Late Season Kings Three Rivers Resort River RV Park & Storage 360-640-6819
We are the Renton Chapter of
Puget Sound Anglers.
We are dedicated to preserving quality fisheries. We believe that our salmon resources can be restored with sound biological management. We believe in the comradeship and wishes of fellow sport fishing anglers. We believe our grandchildren can have a higher quality fishery than any of us ever had.
PSA Helping People Programs that we proudly sponsor and/or donate to the following
- In Harm’s Way
- Cast for Kids - PSA Chapters help out in different ways. Chapters provides personal for events
- Fishing Kids - This is primarily staffed by Renton PSA and Boeing Rod & Reel. This is for 850 kids largest derby of its kind, All kids take home a rod and reel combo, tee shirt and the 2 trout they caught
- Toys for Tots - We collect toys at our December meeting.
- Salmon For Soldiers- PSA is providing numerous boats and captains to to host fishing derby for up to 300 Soldiers
- Boy scouts of America- Donate hosted fishing trips to various troop auctions, we also do a yearly trip to park lake to take the Burien/White Center troop fishing
- Puyallup Fair kids Fishing Pond- we staff the trout pond on Fri, Sat and Sundays for 3 weekends where we bring smiles to about 3,000 kids a year.
- We Send 2 youth to the Washington State Youth Conservation Camp on Orcas Island during the Summer
Conservation and Environment Programs Renton PSA contribute to
- Salmon Journey program
- Northwest Straits Commission
- Friends of the Cedar River
- Snoqualmie River Cleanup Crew
- WDFW Boat ramp education program- PSA members staff boat launches around the state to hand out crab information packets and educate people on rules and how to. We also educate fishermen on how to safely return bottom fish to the depths using descending devices to reduce the risk of barotraumas. We save the state thousands of dollars with these programs.
- Washington State Youth Conservation Camp- PSA Chapters send boys and girls ages 12 to 16 to Orcas Island for a week of learning about the Ocean and it’s creatures as well as how to enjoy the outdoors through conservation.
Puget Sound Anglers Mission Statement
The Puget Sound Anglers us an organization of independent chapters, with common goals and interests, bound only by integrity and fellowship, with the goal of preserving, protecting and enhancing the sport fisheries of Washington State.
The general outline of the organization is for each chapter to remain an independent nature. The State Board was formed with members from each of the chapters and is responsible to those chapters. The State Board is to assist in forming new chapters and promote membership. In addition, it is to help communications among the chapters regarding fund raising and projects of interest to all
Puget Sound Anglers Position Statement
The Puget Sound Anglers organization exists to enhance the opportunities for sport fishing through educational, scientific, governmental and other activities consistent with the preservation and enhancement of fishery resources. We work for the benefit of our members, affiliated organizations, and others in the recreational fishing community who share our view that common sense and good science is critical to the proper management of our fishery resources. Changes in our position statements may occur when new information relating to the issue becomes available.
Puget Sound Anglers will fight to protect access and keep recreational fishing open on all waters of the state unless there is a clear indication that recreational sport fishers are the primary cause of a specific conservation problem and that less severe conservation measures, such as gear restrictions, bag limits, size restrictions, quotas, or closed seasons will not adequately provide for conservation and management of the affected stocks of concern.
If closed areas are proposed to be established, any such closure must be supported by the best available scientific information with the area identified by specific land points or latitude/longitude boundaries. Additionally, any closed area regulation shall include specific measurable criteria to determine the conservation benefit of the closed area on the affected stocks of fish and shall sunset at the end of three years unless scientific data is presented to maintain the closure. Continuance of the closure will be on an annual basis to allow for periodic review of the continued need for the closed area. If the closure is not supported by the scientific evidence collected, the closed area will be re-opened to recreational fishing in the next regulation cycle by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission.
Puget Sound Anglers Platform
- Recreational fishing is an important part of our culture and way of life.
- Our fisheries should be managed for conservation of the resource first and secondly to provide quality, sustainable recreational fisheries.
- We support full enforcement of our fisheries laws, rules and agreements.
- We support Hatchery Reform.

Our Valued Sponsors

True Blue Coolers

Auburn Sports and Marine

Marine and Tackle